Autor: qcqiVKUHt5tvTHg

  • Motto of the Year 2025

    Motto of the Year 2025

    „Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.“(1st Thessalonians 5:21) „Some of you say: ´We can do anything we want to.´ But I tell you not everything is good for us.So I refuse to let anything have power over me.“(1st Corinthians 6:12) Some people say that for them, freedom means being able to do…

  • Jahreslosung 2025

    Jahreslosung 2025

    „Prüft alles und behaltet das Gute.“(1. Thess 5, 21) „Alles ist mir erlaubt, aber nicht alles dient zum Guten.Alles ist mir erlaubt, aber es soll mich nichts gefangen nehmen.“(1. Korinther 6, 12) Manche Menschen sagen, für sie bedeute Freiheit, alles tun zu können. Deswegen empfinden sie Kirche als einengend. Erstaunlicherweise zeigt uns der Vers aus…

  • Theater Project with Young People

    Theater Project with Young People

    We are currently running a theatre project about the first African professor in Germany called Anton Wilhelm Amo.The street „Mohrenstraße“ in Berlin will be renamed after him.We reflect on his very moving biography in play scenes, raps and poetry slams that we write ourselves.

  • Theaterprojekt mit jungen Menschen

    Theaterprojekt mit jungen Menschen

    Zurzeit findet bei uns ein Theaterprojekt über den ersten afrikanischen Professor in Deutschland namens Anton Wilhelm Amo statt.Nach ihm soll die „Mohrenstraße“ in Berlin umbenannt werden.Seine sehr bewegende Biographie reflektieren wir in Spielszenen, Raps und Poetry Slam, die wir selbst schreiben.

  • Inclusion Gospel Project

    Inclusion Gospel Project

    From now on, our Inclusion Gospelworkshops will, again, regularly take place at ABSV Grundewald.This will be about every 6-8 weeks on Saturdays, from 12.00- 15.30h.The address is: Auerbachstr. 7, 14193 Berlin (near S7 station „Grunewald“).If you are interested, please contact us at 030- 773 28 487; thank you.We are looking forward to it!

  • Inklusions- Gospelprojekt

    Inklusions- Gospelprojekt

    Unsere Inklusions- Gospelworkshops finden ab sofort wieder regelmäßig im ABSV Grundewald statt.Der Zeitraum ist ca. alle 6-8 Wochen samstags von 12.00- 15.30h.Die Adresse ist: Auerbachstr. 7, 14193 Berlin (Nähe S7 Station „Grunewald“).Bei Interesse melden Sie oder Du sich bitte unter 030- 773 28 487; danke.Wir freuen uns darauf!

  • Yearly Report 2022 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.

    Yearly Report 2022 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.

    Dear Friends of Akebulan, now already, we all are “caught” within our activities of 2023, and the “New Year” doesn’t appear very new to us, any more. What did you experience during 2022? You are in our hearts and prayers! For us in Akebulan, the last year was rather calm except two big repairments which…

  • Yearly Report of 2021 Akebulan-(Global Mission) e.V.

    Yearly Report of 2021 Akebulan-(Global Mission) e.V.

    Dear Friends of Akebulan, how was 2021 for you? It is our hope and prayer that the pandemic with its direct effects plus diverse side-effects does not put too much load on you. We also pray that despite it is still open-ended by the grace of God, you can be confident and keep your inner…

  • Yearly Report 2020 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.

    Yearly Report 2020 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.

    Dear Friends of Akebulan, our first question about your wellbeing during the last year is overshadowed, this time. 2020 was imprinted by COVID-19, and this caused many challenges to everybody. Noone was prepared for this. Nevertheless, it is our hope and our prayer that the harm was not too bad, and that you were and…

  • Yearly Report 2019 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.

    Yearly Report 2019 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.

    Dear Friends of Akebulan, How are you? In 2018, you didn’t receive a report from us. This was the case because as we told you before, Pastor Peter and Steffi went to Hermannsburg for one year so that Peter could study fulltime to do his Master degree in Intercultural Theology. He also had to travel…