Autor: qcqiVKUHt5tvTHg
Theater Project with Young People
On Saturday, the 19th October, we offer a first theater workshop from 12.00- 16.00h in our rooms. Would you like to try to play theater or write a rap? Then come over!You will meet nice agemates, and be served a snack.
Theaterprojekt mit jungen Menschen
Am Sa, 19.10. von 12.00- 16.00h bieten wir einen ersten Theaterworkshop in unseren Räumen an. Wenn Du probieren möchtest, wie Theaterspielen ist, oder wie man einen Rap schreibt, komm gerne vorbei. Du triffst nette Leute, und zwischendurch gibt es einen Imbiss.
Inclusion Gospel Projekt
Saturday, the 16th November 2024 from 12.00- 15.30h our next inclusion gospel workshop will take place in the rooms of the ABSV Grunewald. If you are interested, please call 030-773 28 487; thanks. We are looking forward to it!
Inklusions- Gospelprojekt
Am Samstag, den 16. November 2024 findet von 12.00- 15.30h unser nächster Inklusions- Gospelworkshop in den Räumen des ABSV Grunewald statt. Bei Interesse melden Sie oder Du sich bitte unter 030- 773 28 487; danke. Wir freuen uns darauf!
Yearly Report 2022 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.
Dear Friends of Akebulan, now already, we all are “caught” within our activities of 2023, and the “New Year” doesn’t appear very new to us, any more. What did you experience during 2022? You are in our hearts and prayers! For us in Akebulan, the last year was rather calm except two big repairments which…
Yearly Report of 2021 Akebulan-(Global Mission) e.V.
Dear Friends of Akebulan, how was 2021 for you? It is our hope and prayer that the pandemic with its direct effects plus diverse side-effects does not put too much load on you. We also pray that despite it is still open-ended by the grace of God, you can be confident and keep your inner…
Yearly Report 2020 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.
Dear Friends of Akebulan, our first question about your wellbeing during the last year is overshadowed, this time. 2020 was imprinted by COVID-19, and this caused many challenges to everybody. Noone was prepared for this. Nevertheless, it is our hope and our prayer that the harm was not too bad, and that you were and…
Yearly Report 2019 Akebulan- (Global Mission) e.V.
Dear Friends of Akebulan, How are you? In 2018, you didn’t receive a report from us. This was the case because as we told you before, Pastor Peter and Steffi went to Hermannsburg for one year so that Peter could study fulltime to do his Master degree in Intercultural Theology. He also had to travel…
Annual motto 2024
The verse of the annual motto that the Herrnhuter Church has chosen for this year, invites us to let the love of God guide our actions. We believe that we can come closer to God through praise and worship, prayers, preaching of the Gospel and fellowship with believers in the church. We experience the presence…
Jahreslosung 2024
Der Vers der Jahreslosung, die die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine für dieses Jahr gewählt hat, fordert uns auf, uns in unserem Handeln von der Liebe Gottes leiten zu lassen. Wir glauben, dass wir im Gottesdienst und auch sonst in der Gemeinde durch Lobpreis und Anbetung, Gebet, Verkündigung des Evangeliums und die Gemeinschaft mit gläubigen Menschen Gott näher…