Let us go over to the other side!

(By faith we’re going over, not under!)

(Mark 4:35-41)

1) The word “us”

The word “us” is a very meaningful word which has been forgotten in the universal church and this has also affected societies. Every biggest man was once a baby, and we are all social beings. We cannot survive without other people. As infants, we are helpless; we survive only because of what others did for us. As adults, we’re like the physical fundamental qualities of the universe: Space, time, matter, and energy. Each of them is meaningless without the others. So we also as human beings need one another’s fellowship. This way, we also as Christians are dependant upon others and let other depend upon us (1st Corinthians 12:12). Was it not so in the book of beginning? “Let us make a man” and “Let us go down”. Isajah repeated it and said: “Who will go for us?” (Genesis 1:26; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8).

2) When the evening came

When the evening came, Jesus gave the disciples the command: “Let us go over to the other side!” (Verse 35).

a) These men who were with Jesus, were professional fishermen. And they knew that it could be dangerous to go over to the other side.: This “Sea of Galilee” which is a lake and not a sea, had a characteristic that meteorologists still confirm, today. Most of the time during the night, it can have a sudden wind coming up which brings storm and is so strong, that people cannot survive when they happen to be on the lake by then. This is why the fishermen usually only fished at the coast, there, so that in case of a storm, they quickly got to the land, again.

b) Because of these facts, the imagination of the disciples could have been: ‘Jesus, don’t you know that this is not the right time to go over to the other side?!’ Well, it was wrong according to human imaginations, but it was right for Jesus to reach the other side. The reason is, there was a country at the other side which was called “Gadara”. In that country, there was a man whom Jesus needed to set free so that he could go back to his family and home and to his people. The Bible says, he had a “legion” of demons in him. And this word is Italian and means a battalion of soldiers, six-thousand men. It is almost incomprehensible, that one man could have such a strong demonic bondage. And Jesus wanted to take His disciples to the other side to set the captive man free (Chapter 5:1-10) and to bring peace to the community in which he lived.

3) Leaving the crowd behind (Verse 36)

Leaving the crowd behind, they took Him along just as He was in the boat. They were doing their best to serve God. In all their fears and imaginations, they were still willing to follow the Master, basically, because they loved Him. And love will always cost someone to do something which will go beyond the understanding of others. Have you left the world to follow Jesus? Is there anything that you cherished so much, but you have left it behind to “reach the other side” with Jesus as these men?

4) A furious wind (Verse 37)

A furious squall came up, the wind, the rain and the storm. Let us be human and ask a question: These people were doing their best to serve Jesus. Why is it at all, that He allowed the storm to come against them? They had left the world and everything that they could gain from the world to follow Jesus. Are there situations in your life, in your home or in your church that you ask: “Why, God?!” The truth of the matter is, whether you are a Christian or not, you will have storms in your life. It can be financial storms, health storms, storms in family and relationship, storms with working-mates, storms of unemployment… With God or away from God, one will have storms. So, what is the difference between Christians and non-Christians? The difference is that Jesus is in our boat, and He is our helper. He is going to help you in your situation (Psalm 34:19; Acts 14:22; Romans 8:18).

5) Jesus was asleep (Verse 38a)

The wind blew, the boat was tossed about by the waves, and Jesus slept! The disciples were scared to death- Jesus slept! Probably, the disciples at this time put their differences and position-hunger aside to become one to meet this situation. But as we know, human ability does not end up with the best. So one of them had a thought: Jesus was on board of the boat, so why didn’t He help them?! Does it look in your situation like Jesus is asleep? Does it look in your financial situation as if Jesus wouldn’t care? Or whatever your situation may be- does it look like Jesus wouldn’t be there to take over? There have been many times in my life, in our family-life, that I have asked these questions.: Master Jesus, don’t you care whether we live or die?! Don’t you care whether we have food to eat or clothes to wear? Don’t you care that we have sound mind and peace divine to serve you? The answer is: He cares more than we can think or imagine!!! He has told us not to be afraid because He will be with us till the end of the ages (Matthew 28:20).

6) They called on Jesus (Verse 38b)

The disciples called: “Master, don’t you care that we perish?” Whatever the situation may be in our homes, our working-place, in the congregation or the gathering of God’s people, physical or spiritual; all that we must do is to call on Jesus. Jesus wants to be our head, and we are His body. The ideas will come from the head, and the body will receive the motivation and strength to work it out. Will this probably be what a woman of our church received from the Lord about 2 years ago, when she saw that we were in a boat, and the picture of a puzzle which we tried to put together, but some pieces were missing? Jeremiah 33:3 says: “Call on me, I will answer you!” How does He answer us? It is in the form of revelation. “I … will show you…” What does He show us? He gives us visions and teaches us things that we don’t know. What does He teach us? He teaches us knowledge. How does He do it? He does it by using us to be beneficial for one another. Therefore, let us call the lover of our soul!

7) Jesus rebuked the wind (Verse 39)

Probably, Jesus has not heard the wind, yet. Or the storm and problems in which the disciples found themselves didn’t disturb Him. Why is that possible? It is possible because Jesus was in the arms of the Father. The Bible says: “God gives His beloved sleep!” (Psalm 127:2). It is God’s will for us to enjoy sleep and to be free from adversities. When the disciples called on Jesus, Satan raised the storm even harder. Everything became terrible to bear with human imaginations. Jesus stood up and said: “Quiet, be still!” And there was a complete calm. In whatever situation you find yourself, the “Rock of ages” (Jesus) can calm it, just as He calmed it in the life of our “Father of faith” Abraham (Genesis 15:12). Also, Jacob in his troubles experienced joy divine with peace unspeakable, that he even received a heavenly visitation in the midst of the wilderness (Genesis 28:11). Psalm 4:8 says: “I will lie down and sleep in peace”.

8) “Why are you so afraid?” (Verse 40)

If there is a question in the Bible which people need to debate about, this, I think, is such a question. Jesus asked His disciples: “Why are you so afraid?”! The disciples were professional fishermen. They knew how dangerous the storm was, and that the chance of their survival was hardly there. They were close to be drawn to the bottom of the lake. Who of us would not have been afraid by then?! We might think that Jesus because of His sonship with God didn’t need to be afraid. But the Bible says, He was the Son of Man, tempted in all the temptations which we ever face. He was a man of flesh and blood. His secret was His faith in God (Hebrews 2: 16-18). Therefore, He asked the disciples: “Do you still have no faith?”! And He is asking this you and me now in our situations.

9) What a manner of man is this! (Verse 41)

The disciples started to ask one another: “What a manner of man is this? The wind and the sea obey Him!”. Notice, they didn’t ask “What kind of GOD is this?”, but MAN. In the book of Genesis, Jesus was revealed to be the seed who is going to bruise the head of Satan (Genesis 3:15; Romans 16:20). In the book of Exodus, Jesus is revealed as the Passover-lamb (Exodus 12:11; 1st Corinthians 5:7). In the book of Leviticus, Jesus is the High-priest of the new covenant (Leviticus 4:5.6; Hebrews 4:14-16). In the book of Numbers, Jesus is the serpent on the pole (Numbers 21:8.9; John 3:14-17). In the book of Deuteronomy, Jesus is revealed as a prophet like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:15; Acts 3:22). He is the captain of our salvation (Joshua 5:13-15).

10) As unto the Lord

In conclusion, I want to say that it is possible for us to work together because the Bible says we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Doing everyone of us our part, we will be able to reach the other side with Jesus in our boat. And to do even better, we should add these “spices” to our faith.:

a) Others may not notice your efforts or give recognition for something you have done; the credit may even go to someone else. Do it anyway as unto the Lord!

b) There may be a time when the job you have done will be rejected. Something you have prepared may be delayed or cancelled. Do it anyway as unto the Lord!

c) You may do your very best but have your labour fail. You may sacrifice time and money to help someone or the local church and receive no words of appreciation. Do it anyway not unto man, but unto God!

d) You may forgive others only to find them hurt you, again, or you reach out to help others only to have them take advantage of your kindness. Do it not unto man, but unto God!

e) You may speak the truth but be considered wrong by others; or you do something with a good intention and will be completely misunderstood- don’t be disappointed because of man but do it anyway as unto the Lord!

f) There may be a time when commitment may mean a sacrifice and devotion like many of you are doing, here; God sees all, and He is pleased by your service, and He will honour your obedience (Ecclesiasts 9:10; Colossians 3:23).

In your quietness, I want you to consider how a football-team works: They have a manager, they have bookkeeper, they have a director, a trainer, a captain, and they have the football-players. One player cannot say to another: “I don’t like you, so I will tell the trainer that you don’t play with me.”. Whatever differences they may have, from the manager to the player they have one goal to be winners. The Bible say: “Whosoever is born out of God, overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith!” (1st John 5:4).

Please, read Colossians 3, the rules for reaching the other side for the church of God!

Yours in His service, F.P. Arthur (a missionary from Ghana)