Akebulan e.V. – Intercultural Christian Church

in Berlin

About us

We are a cross culture communication church who is seeking to communicate the Christian Gospel across culture barriers. The Gospel does not presuppose the superiority of any culture to one another. Rather, it values each culture according to its own criteria of truth, righteousness and morality.

Although Christianity is supra-cultural in its origin, it can be applied in all cultures. This is why we seek to communicate Christ cross-culturally, and it is our prayer that we can become trustworthy guides for our Afro-German children and children from other nationalities.


What does Akebulan mean?

Akebulan is the oldest name of Africa. This continent was a massive land and not always called “Africa”. Among the names, Akebulan is not only the oldest, but also the most indige-nous name. It means: “Mother of all Mankind” or “Garden of Eden”. The birth of creation and of the first humans (Homo Sapiens) took place in the heart of the biblical Africa, which was called at that time “Eden”. The three rivers spoken of in Genesis 2:10-14 verify human existence in this area. To substantiate the biblical story of creation, archaeologists and scien-tists confirm without doubt that the oldest from human life has been discovered around the Olduvai Gorge in present day Tanzania. It was from this point that humankind found the way to other parts of our known world. Therefore, during the Bible days when civilization was high in Kemet (Egypt), there was little known activity on the continent which we know today as Europe. Civilization came late to the Caucasians of the North, and that which came was brought from Akebulan- Africa “Mother of all Lands or all Mankind”. The ancient world was as Paul said: “…from one mankind has God made every nation of human beings that they should inhabit the whole earth…” (Acts 17:26).