
  • The Sign of Immanuel: God with Us

    The Sign of Immanuel: God with Us

    (Isaiah 7) 1) God Who cares The prophecies of Isaiah are really remarkable in the light of time in history. The question at hand when Isaiah began his ministry, was not whether Israel or Judah could regain their… Weiterlesen

  • The richest man from the East,

    The richest man from the East,

    Tested in his faith in God Who is this man? He was probably a native of Northern Arabia. He was a righteous and God-fearing non-Israelite. Perhaps, he lived before the covenant family of Israel even existed. His life… Weiterlesen

  • The Motherhood of God

    The Motherhood of God

    (Isaiah 66:13) 1. Comforting like a mother In the Bible, Jerusalem is being compared to a mother who feeds and comforts her children. Just as God promised in the Old Testament to be like a mother to Jerusalem,… Weiterlesen

  • Simon and the Cross of Jesus

    Simon and the Cross of Jesus

    (Mark 15:21) 1) Simon of Cyrene In Mark 15:21, we read: “A certain man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was passing by on his way in from the country, and they forced him to… Weiterlesen

  • Let us go over to the other side!

    Let us go over to the other side!

    (By faith we’re going over, not under!) (Mark 4:35-41) 1) The word “us” The word “us” is a very meaningful word which has been forgotten in the universal church and this has also affected societies. Every biggest man… Weiterlesen

  • I have prayed for you!

    I have prayed for you!

    (Luke 22:31.32) 1) The surrounding situation The time when Jesus said these words to Peter, was the evening before Jesus had to lay down His life for the sins of the world. Jesus celebrated the Passover feast with… Weiterlesen

  • God is with us, for us and in us!

    God is with us, for us and in us!

    1) Whom are you with? Jesus said, with men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. This brought Peter into a position where he asked: “We have forsaken everything that has to do with men… Weiterlesen

  • Developing an Excellent Spirit

    Developing an Excellent Spirit

    (Daniel 5:12) The 1st conflict: An initial test of faith At the very outset of the Book of Daniel we are introduced to the first conflict of four young Jewish exiles. These young men were Daniel and his… Weiterlesen

  • In the Diaspora

    In the Diaspora

    Called to be a Part of Answers 1) Where has God placed you? God often places His people in strategic positions in order to accomplish His purposes. To bring about the reconstruction of the wall at Jerusalem, God… Weiterlesen

  • Christian Rewards in God’s Kingdom

    Christian Rewards in God’s Kingdom

    Living the supernatural life is a blessing not only now but also in the future. There is a great difference in the doctrine of salvation for the lost and the doctrine of rewards for the saved. Salvation is… Weiterlesen

  • Beth-El: The House of God

    Beth-El: The House of God

    (Genesis 28:10-21) 1) God’s grace can bring blessings out of tragedy Through Rebecca’s initiative and ingenuity, Jacob’s leaving home did not look like a flight to escape the consequences of a family feud. Instead, his father sent him… Weiterlesen

  • As Parents we have a Choice

    As Parents we have a Choice

    “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24, 3-4 The circle of concern or the circle of influence All parents… Weiterlesen